It's Just Black and White (Compatibility Series)

It's Just Black and White (Compatibility Series)


31x38 Acrylic on canvas, 2016

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The Compatibility Series is a visual aid to express the way two people come together in a relationship. One side is the feminine, the other the masculine. Each “brick” is a part of a bar graph of their characteristics.

We all know a couple like this … they see things as simply black or white, no in between, no gray area. They share the same point of view on most subjects and in a group discussion emphatically agree or aggressively disagree like your difference of opinion has somehow insulted them personally. They’re cold and often dismissive and their cold shoulder treatment isn’t reserved for the public. You can often hear them being dismissive and obstinate to each other in a disagreement. Raise their voices, never, but a high-brow death stare is a common practice for these two. Love them or hate them. I’ve found peoples feelings about people like this to be as polarized as the couple is themselves.